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Home News Blockchain Forum to be hosted by the US State Department this October

Blockchain Forum to be hosted by the US State Department this October


US blockchain forum october 10

A Flash into the news is that US is hosting a Blockchain forum on 10th of this October. The event is going to be take place at the capital city’s George C Marshall center. It was announced that various officers of the state and US government along with senior members from the private sector would be joining this workshop. This one day work shop is labelled as Blockchain@State initiative where the meeting aims at tracking Blockchain development and the potential growth enabled with Blockchain.

According to the forum news the event would conclude on the topics to explore the policy implications and potential applications of this technology as initiated by the US. The director for innovation and the acting special representative for global partnership headed by Thomas Debass will track the development and growth in Blockchain technology and prepare briefings every fortnight to keep themselves informed about the new applications in the domain.

Many members including the senior leadership of the companies IBM, Microsoft, Price water house, coopers, etc are going to be the part the forum. The event is also likely to be represented by these companies’ officials to brief about Blockchain technology as seen from the company’s point of view. Also the implications, pros and cons would also be discussed as part of the forum.

As part of the discussion, the technology and its impact within the state diplomatic rules would be discussed and also the execution of the technology into the routine human life is a part of the meet. The issues and crisis and the ways to overcome these issues with the help of technology is one of the key points to be discussed in the event.

Although, the exact members to be seen at the event are not yet confirmed, the keynote opening speaker is identified as High-level US Government Official. The other speakers of the event as decided by the group are State Department chief information officer Frontis Wiggins and Toomas Ilves, former president of Estonia.


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