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Home News Barclays Says Bitcoin Price is Popping And Future Recovery Won’t Be Strong

Barclays Says Bitcoin Price is Popping And Future Recovery Won’t Be Strong


Analysts from the Barclays Plc believe that the Bitcoin price is popping and said that the price of the largest cryptocurrency has already peaked. While taking cues from the world of epidemiology, the analysts have developed a Bitcoin pricing model which shows that Bitcoin recovery to its peak won’t arrive in the future.

The Barclays pricing model divides the community of Bitcoin investors in three sections: susceptible, infected and immune.. It says that as the price gains, the “infection” spreads quickly among investors by word-of-mouth wherein no wants to miss out on the opportunity to make money.

In a note to the clients, Barclays analysts led by Joseph Abate, wrote: “As more of the population become asset holders, the share of the population available to become new buyers — the potential ‘host’ population — falls, while the share of the population that are potential sellers (‘recoveries’) increases. Eventually, this leads to a plateauing of prices, and progressively, as random shocks to the larger supply population push up the ratio of sellers to buyers, prices begin to fall. That induces speculative selling pressure as price declines are projected forward exponentially.”

A similar case happens in case of infectious disease when the immunity threshold is reached. The analysts wrote: “the point at which a sufficient portion of the population becomes immune such that there are no more secondary infections.”

The analyst also wrote that the two prime variables which determine when the Bitcoin gain turns into price falls are the percentage of the population aware of the cryptocurrency and the percentage willing to invest.

In a concluding note, the analysts wrote: “We believe the speculative froth phase of cryptocurrency investment — and perhaps peak prices — may have passed.”


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