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Home News New Cryptocurrency Radio station to launch on Boston’s FM 104.9

New Cryptocurrency Radio station to launch on Boston’s FM 104.9


Over the past six months, cryptocurrencies have found its presence on billboards, newspapers, radio broadcasts and television shows; ultimately allowing its entry into the ordinary world. Now, this July residents from the New England region can enjoy a weekly radio broadcast called Cryptomania which aspires to educate people about the advantages of cryptocurrencies. The program will broadcast Cryptocurrency Radio every Saturday on Boston’s FM radio signal 104.9.

The program will also feature discussions about bitcoin and cryptocurrency solutions. The show aims to educate the public and demonstrate to them how cryptocurrencies function and point out how easy it is for anyone to purchase a tiny proportion of bitcoin.
Listeners can set their dials to the Cryptocurrency Radio FM radio signal 104.9 this July as the Massachusetts-headquartered organization New England Blockchain LLC (NEB) will launch its first show “Cryptomania – Bitcoin & Beyond.”

The show will be hosted by NEB founder Dana McIntyre who also happens to be the creator of the show; he’ll be accompanied by his sidekick Jameson Rust. The two say that the broadcast will feature a “simple and humorist explanation of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology.”

“Hosting the first weekly FM radio show on Cryptos in America is a real honor for us and highlights our commitment to bring relevant, cutting-edge content to our listening audience and the mainstream public,” McIntyre stated this week.

Bitcoiners are undoubted to welcome the recent radio broadcast Cryptomania that’s devoted to teaching people about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the Boston region. However, the NEB organization’s upcoming broadcast this July is not the first weekly FM cryptocurrency radio show in the U.S. as the Austin based Crypto Show has been airing on 89.1 FM for years now.

The show will have a huge audience to attract as the FM radio signal 104.9 reaches areas in southern New Hampshire and North of Boston and Merrimack Valley regions of Massachusetts which accounts for a population of over 2 million residents.


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