Tuesday, February 11, 2025
USD 93,526
EUR 89,154
GBP 74,525
JPY 14,393,571
RUB 9,810,280
KRW 130,881,264
TRY 3,240,731
BRL 543,741
CNY 678,619.92


Fake cryptocurrency giveaway bots are active at Twitter says Duo Security report

The researchers at Dua Security has revealed, that there are more than 15,000 cryptocurrency giveaway bots are fooling and crooking crypto investors on Twitter. The...

Bugs found by researchers in John McAfee promoted unhackable Bitfi wallet

Bitcoin and the entire jargon around it, is shooting up and going down at the same time. With more acceptance of the blockchain technology...

JD.com’s Finance dep to issue Blockchain Asset-Backed Securities

JD Finance, a subsidiary of Chinese e-commerce giant JD.com, has made public its plans to issue asset-backed securities (ABSs) on the blockchain, as reported...

UAE Leading Bank ‘Emirates NBD’ Uses Blockchain Tech to Prevent Cheque Frauds

One of the leading banks of United Arab Emirates (UAE) ‘Emirates NBD’ has successfully tested ‘Cheque Chain’ which is a blockchain system integrated with...
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