Sunday, March 9, 2025
USD 93,526
EUR 89,154
GBP 74,525
JPY 14,393,571
RUB 9,810,280
KRW 130,881,264
TRY 3,240,731
BRL 543,741
CNY 678,619.92


Belgium Funds €2 million Donation to the World Food Programme Blockchain Project

On Thursday, April 19th, the Belgium government announced its support by contributing €2 million worth funds in donation to the blockchain initiative by the...

Bermuda’s Crypto Regulations Seek to Promote Crypto and ICO Growth

Although most of the cryptocurrency regulations in the past have left crypto investors in the state of worry, the case with Bermuda is completely...

Kenya’s Central Bank Warns Investors and Banks Regarding Crypto Risks

As regulatory bodies across the globe continue to step-up measures to tackle the associated risks with crypto investing and protect the investor’s interest, the...

Russia Could Probably Block Telegram App In Future Over Encryption Issues

Popular messaging app Telegram has announced plans to develop its own blockchain platform and has also managed to raise a whopping $1.7 billion in...

National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela Approves Decree on Crypto Use

A lot of controversy has been surrounded after Venezuela announced its own state-owned cryptocurrency ‘Petro’. The Petro cryptocurrency is said to have backed with...

China’s Hangzhou City Invests In Over $1 Billion Blockchain Fund

Although over the past months, China has been cracking down on cryptocurrency-related trading or other activities in the country, it still remains positive about...

Government of Mexico Testing Blockchain for Public Contracts

The blockchain technology has grabbed the attention of industry player across different field due to its ability to securely store transactions records and maintain...

China Plans to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency to Protect Yuan Against the Latest Crypto Onslaught

China seems to further doubling down on its efforts to ban cryptocurrencies or any related activity in the country. Deputy Governor of the People’s...

Germany’s Tourism Board Starts Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments

The German National Tourism Board (GNTB) has added a cryptocurrency-payment option to tourists availing its services. GNTB has got offices across 32 countries of...

A Dutch Court Ruling States Bitcoin Has a Legitimate “Transferable Value”

The latest judgment coming from a Dutch court calls Bitcoin to be a legitimate “transferable value”  which are some very positive words towards the...
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