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Home News NASA Funds Autonomous Spacecraft Project Using Ethereum Blockchain

NASA Funds Autonomous Spacecraft Project Using Ethereum Blockchain


Although we have heard in the past that the blockchain technology has got a variety of applications across different industries, a latest report from the shows that The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is currently working on an autonomous spacecraft project which could take decisions using the Blockchain technology without any sort of human intervention.

Jin Wei Kocsis, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Akron, Ohio, has recently received a $330,000 grant from NASA to fund her research. One of the applications of her research is to enable the spacecraft to dodge space debris at a distant planet or moon much faster than what a human from the Earth could do.

Kocsis said:

“I hope to develop technology that can recognize environmental threats and avoid them, as well as complete a number of tasks automatically. I am honored that NASA recognized my work, and I am excited to continue challenging technology’s ability to think and do on its own.”

Kocsis also said that her new work will make use of the Ethereum blockchain technology to develop a secure computing system to be used in deep space. She also said that the “smart contracts” feature of the Ethereum Blockchain would further help to enhance the digital decision making in the automated spacecraft.

Kocsis said:

“In this project, the Ethereum blockchain technology will be exploited to develop a decentralized, secure, and cognitive networking and computing infrastructure for deep space exploration.”

Thomas Kacpura, advanced communications program manager at NASA’s Glenn Research Center said that this is for the first time that the space-giant is exploring a blockchain application for space navigation and communication.

While talking to ETHNews, he added that if the technology works, it “would support decentralized processing among NASA space network nodes in a secure fashion,” and could be further scaled for growth.


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